A Certain Sacrifice 1979

Nous connaissons bien évidement le film de Stephen Jon Lewicki : A Certain Sacrifice dans lequel Madonna, 19-20 ans a un rôle . Au début de sa vie d’adulte, Louise Veronica Ciccone ( pas encore connue sous le nom Madonna ) postule plusieurs fois pour obtenir des rôles dans divers films, jusque là, aucune réponse positive ne lui a été accordée, elle continua donc de vivre du peu de moyens qu’elle avait dans l’espoir qu’un jour, son rêve se réalise . Enfin, ce moment est arrivé, suite à une lettre de motivation que Louise envoya au réalisateur dans le but de le convaincre de lui offrir le rôle principal de son thriller érotique
« J’ai toujours su que je voulais être nonne ou star de cinéma »
« J’ai secrètement adoré chaque moment où tous les yeux étaient braqués sur moi»
 «Je suis ici depuis trois semaines, je travaille avec mon groupe, j’apprends à jouer de la batterie, je suis des cours de danse et j’attends d’avoir vingt ans. C’est tout?»
Nous avoue la star .



Madonna joue le rôle de Bruna, vivant avec trois « amours esclaves »  (un homme, une femme, un transsexuel ). Bruna rencontre Dashiell (Pattnosh) à la fontaine du Washington Square Park, ceux-ci tombent amoureux l’un de l’autre. Bruna lui avoue qu’une relation platonique avec lui lui suffit largement et qu’elle ne désire pas aller plus loin dans les sentiments avec lui. Seulement, Dashiell la soumet au sexe (scène où Madonna apparaît seins nus ). Ensuite elle se fait violer dans les WC d’un café-restaurant par Raymond Hall (Kurtz ). Bruna décide pour sa vengeance de pousser ses deux amours Dashiell et le transsexuel à enlever son violeur. Ils se déguisent alors en prostituées de luxe et l’attirent dans une limousine pour le conduire dans un théâtre, endroit où un sacrifice satanique a été effectué. Dashiell étale le sang de Raymond sur Bruna.



Voici le texte de la lettre en plus visible :

« Dear Stephen,

Please excuse the informal resumé. I have been out of the country for several months and upon returning discovered many important papers misplaced. My resumés included.

I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan where I began my career in petulance and precociousness. By the time I was in the fifth grade, I knew I either wanted to be a nun or a movie star. 9 months in a convent cured me of the first disease. During high school, I became slightly schizophrenic as I couldn’t choose between class virgin or the other kind. Both of them had their values as far as I could see. When I was 15 I began taking ballet classes regularly, listening to baroque music and slowly but surely I developed a great dislike for my classmates, teachers and high school in general. There was one exception and that was my drama class. For one hour every day all the megalomaniacs and egotists would meet to compete for roles and argue about interpretation. I secretly adored each moment when all eyes were on me and I could practice being charming or sophisticated, so I would be prepared for the outside world. My infinite impatience graduated me from high school one year early and I entered Fine Arts School at University of Michigan studying Music, Art, Dance and participating regularly in most theatrical productions. (I seemed to turn just about everything into a theatrical production.) After 2 years of isolated and utopic living I was dying for a cha(lle)nge, so I moved to New York City and became a college dropout. At first I concentrated only on dancing and in 2 months joined a modern dance company (Pearl Lang) I did 3 seasons and toured Italy but dancing was not as fulfilling as I’d hoped it would be as Pearl’s psycotic ways were ruining me. I sustained myself dancing with some small mediocre companies (Walter Nicks, Peggy Harrel, Ailey III) singing in a New Wave band, working with a filmmaker (Eliot Fain) and modelling for artists and photographers. In May of 79 some French record producers (Aquarius Label) saw me singing and dancing at an audition and asked me to come to Europe where they would produce me as their singing artist. An apartment on 36 & 10th Ave and a steady diet of popcorn made the decision easy. I came to Paris on the agreement that after a few months of working in a music studio and becoming familiar with the record business I would decide whether I wanted to sign a contract with them. After 2 months of restaurants & nightclubs everyday, being dragged to different countries every week and working with business men and not musicians I knew this life was not for me. I hung out in Paris for one more month, feeling miserably unproductive, but I couldn’t bear the Parisian sterility or my homelessness any longer, so I came back to N.Y. I’ve been here 3 weeks now, working with my band, learning to play the drums, taking dance classes and waiting for my 20th birthday.

Is this all?

Madonna Cicconi
h – 5’4½ »
w – 102
Hair – brown
eyes – hazel
B.D – 8/16/59 « 

Une petite vidéo du film :

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